Monday, April 30, 2007

hair care?

Well I thought of another funny story that happened a few years back. The year I believe to be 2003, there was a music festival called Blitzfest being held at Birchrun, MI. Somehow my brother, myself, and our friend Zack were roped into helping with this endeavor. So we spent an entire Friday setting up for this bitch, and it was a bitch. I mean there was a lot of work to be done and few of us to accomplish the tasks, so please excuse my choice of words when I call it a bitch. Needless to say by the end of the day we were plumb tuckered out, and after a breif jaunt in the pool, we settled ourselves in for the eveing. This is just the set-up for the story.

So day two rolls around and we begin to ready ourselves for the day's activities. Now let me explain something to you, I know when you look at me you might say "hey he's a damn fine looking man", or even "he's cute". But what most people say is probably "wow, he has great hair". Its true I pride myself on my locks, its my cross to bear. Anyways to quench any lingering curiosity about it, I do have to use an assortment of products in order to achieve the look. Without these products...well let's just say that it is not pretty.

Ok, so here I am getting ready and come to realize that I somehow must have left said hair products behind in my haste to ready myself the previous day. Bearing this in mind let me explain that I was completely broke as well. Whats a man to do? So later Zack and I happen to be out on an errand for this event when I spot some type of store on the horizon. I tell Barker to hasten to the exit and there we behold a grocery store in all its splendor.

We enter and quickly locate the hair care aisle, remember I dont have any cash and Zack certainly isnt going to purchase it for me (he didnt have any either). So I picked up one of the products and we proceed to walk around looking at various items, pretending to browse. It was then that I quickly and silently slid off the cap and placed a sample of the product into the palm of my hand. With equal swiftnesss I returned the lid and continued along the aisle. You may be asking yourself if I smeared the product between my hands and "did" my hair. Negative, that would be way to conspicuous. No I loudly proclaimed that after reflection I do not need to purchase said product and my compadre and myself will vacate the premises.

So we left and I did my hair. I did have a sticky residue left on my hands however, so I did not get away totally clean. Yes folks I am a rebel and I have broken the law, but its ok cause it was for a good cause-wink.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Accident or Conspiracy

So the other day at approximately 8:25 A.M, I was waiting in the doorway to see my niece Bekah get on the bus for school. I was at that location due to the early hours and the fact I neglected to grab a shirt or some sort of similar garment. Having succumbed to the early morning temperatures I turned my back for the briefest of seconds to grab a jacket outta the closet next to me...that's when I heard voices. I immediately turned my attention to sound of this voice, the voice was feminine in nature and was clearly communicating with Bekah. I proceeded to adjust my stance in case anything went down and I would have to get "ghetto", if you know what I mean.

Anyhow, so after a few seconds Bekah comes marching towards me and she has a package in her hand, which I recognized immediately. "Uncle Jimmy", she says and launches into a recap of the discourse that had taken place between her and the neighbor. Apparently the mailman had "accidentally" dropped off this package to their residence and they had "accidentally" opened it.

Now this may not strike you as odd, however let me clarify a few of the details. This package was a bright color in nature and my name was very clearly marked upon the outside of the package. I have been receiving mail from this company quite reguarly since I moved here and I find it difficult to swallow that the mailman gave it to the wrong house. This wasn't accidentally opened, it was torn open. Finally there are four adults that live in this house, we can be found at all times of the day coming in and out, yet she chose to give it to the seven year old, interesting.
Was this simply a mistake on the the part of the mailman and our neigbors, or is there a bigger conspiracy here to watch my netflix? I'll let you decide.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Woa, lets not get ahead of ourselves

So I was just reminiscing about this past summer and I recalled a short story from my brief stint in the country south of us, for all of you geographically challenged-Mexico.

So here we are, Zach, Drew, and myself and we are leading worship for a group ~90. Now we built some instant rappoir with a group from Northern MI. One young lady admirded my ability to bass and inquired if I would show her a few things, which I love when people admire my limited abilities, so I was all about that.

I let her play in one song, showed her some scales, some techniques, wrote some things down for her, and overall was very nice. That is until the last night, we were saying our goodbyes to the group and this young lady was saying thank-you, and she said "I just hope that one day I'm as good as you". My response? "Well let's not get ahead of ourselves." I seriously said that. I just see my companions faces stop in shock and slowly turn to look at me.

Now I said this with the purest intent, never meaning to come across as a jackass, just trying to make a funny. However no matter how many apologies I had offered, I feel as though, its still pretty funny, when taken in context.


I have decided that my posting habits need some serious upheavals. I mean to post at least once a day, however due to a strenuous sleeping schedule I am unable to fullfill this quota that i have set for myself. Does this mean that I perceive myself to be a failure in this aspect...I'm not sure I gotta sleep on it.

Today I am enjoying this beautiful day off, sitting on a deck in the sun, with my good friend Zackers, and my nephews whom are attempting to "hoe" the dirt. Overall, a nice little Monday.